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Практическая работа

по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (ЯБ 93)

Задание 1

Вставьте в текст слова в правильной форме.

Famous friends

The lives of celebrities are coming (0) increasingly under the close scrutiny of the public at large. One consequence of this trend is that it can sometimes be difficult for people in the spotlight to forge genuine and lasting (1).........with others. When it comes to making friends, celebrities have a (2).........to pick other celebrities, for example. This is not (3).........of course, given the nature of the social circles. In which such people move, and given the fact that one of the (4)..... of the celebrity lifestyle is (5)...........the opportunity it offers to rub shoulders with the rich and famous.

Very often, however, an air of (6).........can hang around a high-Profile friendship, where an outward show of affection actually masks. An underlying (7)...........In the celebrity world, friends clearly have. To be chosen with (8)............care. There needs to be a degree of mutual (9)......... Combines with equal standing in the eyes of the outside world, so that there is no question of one friend appearing to be in the shadow of another. How else can we explain the (10).........of close friendships between stars who, in any other situation, would have very little in com-mon?

Задание 2

Данные слова вставьте в текст.

Bit drop heap him piece pinch shred slice

1. There isn"t a ........ of evidence against this man!

2. Before serving, add a ... of salt to taste.

3. Oh dear, I think I just felt a ... of rain.

4. I came across a very interesting ....... of information.

5. I don"t have much for breakfast; usually just a cup of tea and a ..... of toast.

6. Maria"s quite upset, and could do with a ...... of support at the moment.

7. There was a .... of anger in his voice.

8. There was a ......... of clothes in the middle of the floor.

Задание 3

Вставьте слова each, both, either, neither в текст. Одно слово может быть употреблено больше одного раза.

Jane and Emily are twin sisters, separated at birth and reunited after 40 years. Since meeting again after such a long time, (1) ..... Jane and Emily have been struck by the number of things they have in common. For example, they (2) ....... Work in the media, Jane as a television producer and Emily as a radio sound assistant. (3)....... of them married, but (4) ....... have steady partners. They (5) ..... own their own house, but (6) ...... Has a car.

As I interviewed them, I noticed time and time again that, as I put a question to (7) ...... Sister in turn, the other seemed to know the answer before it had been given, as if they knew what the other was thinking. I asked if (8) ....... of them felt threatened by meeting the other after all this time. "Definitely not," says Jane. "It"s great. (9) .... of us feels threatened at all".

And why are they so similar? For once, they don"t agree. Jane believe it"s all in the genes, whereas Emily is convinced that the time they spent together in the womb accounts for their many similarities. Maybe they are (10) ....... right!

Задание 4

Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в прошедшее время.

Traditionally, it was students who took a gap year (a year off to travel or gain experience), but last year 60 % of gapers (l) ..... people taking a career break. Many of them (2) ...... their job before setting off around the world. Others (3)...... for companies that (4)....... give them unpaid leave in order to travel.

Why did they decide to take a gap year? Many (5) .......... hard for years and simply (6)........ they needed a break. Others (7) ...... to give something back by doing volunteer work abroad.

Fran Hodges is one of these people. Although she (8) ....... to be away for only six months, she (9) ......... staying away for a year. She (10) ......... her 40th birthday while she (11) ........ at ant elephant sanctuary in Sri Lanka.

Fran (12) ....... a researcher, but she (13) ....... her job in order to go off traveling. She (14) ........ her ticket two days before she (15) ......... her notice so she couldn"t be talked out of it. She (16) ........... alone before, but (17) ....... surprised how easy it was and how much fun she had.

Задание 5

Вставьте слова в предложения.

Who whose whom why which where when that

1. My friend got to meet Brad Pitt, ....... was very exciting for her.

2. Is that the magician ..... Often appears on TV?

3. I"m interested in an area of the brain ......... images are processed.

4. The dogs, ......... Trainer has supplied animals for a number of films, could do some incredible tricks.

5. These days, there are few occasions ........ I need to wear a tie.

6. The director from ... we received the information shall remain anonymous.

7. My past is not something ... I"d like people to know much about.

8. I"d like to know the reason ....... you didn"t act sooner.

Задание 6

Там, где это возможно, напишите предложения, употребив страдательный залог.

a. Jenny told the police officer a lie.

b. Louis hates people telling him what to do.

c. I hate you looking like that.

d. I don"t like people checking up on me.

e. We encourage our customers to give us their opinions.

f. I walked into the restaurant and sat down at a table.

g. I think he has broken his arm.

h. The police are looking into the cause of the accident.

Задание 7

Напишите предложения, употребив герундий или инфинитив.

No one enjoys it when other people tell them what to do.

No one enjoys being told what to do.

1. I wanted someone to offer me the opportunity to travel.

2. She could remember someone carrying her out of the burning building.

Задание 8

Выберите правильный вариант.

i. The children remember being / to be taken to the museum.

j. Some people seem to enjoy being / to be frightened.

k. She wanted being / to be told the truth.

1. Harry deserves being / to be given a promotion.

m. Young children resent being / to be bossed around by older children.

n. Gary is hoping being / to be released from prison in a few weeks.

o. The manager insisted on being / to be kept informed of new developments.

p. I didn"t expect being / to be invited to the party.

Задание 9

Выберите правильный вариант.

q. Many / Much people try their luck on the Lottery.

r. The most / Most people never win very much / many,

s. I"ve tried and failed lots / many times myself!

t. Recently, few / a few of my colleagues and I formed a lottery syndicate.

u. But there"s little / a little chance of us winning the jackpot.

Задание 10

Выберите правильный вариант.

By next month (1) we"ll be living / we"ll have been living in this house for 11 years! But (2) we"re movins / we will move to a bigger place very soon. We"re buying / We will be buying a house just of outside of town - the owners have accepted our offer.

It"s a nice house, but it needs updating, so (4) we"re going to plan / we plan to make quite a few changes. We estimate the work (5) is going to take / is taking two or three months, so we"ll have to stay with friends until the builders (6) will finish / have finished. We"ll move in as soon as the house (7) is / will be ready. You must come and visit us.

On 12 September, (8) I"ll start / I"ll be starting a new job. I reckon it (9) takes / will take me a little longer to get to work in the mornings.

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