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Иностранный язык, английский, контрольная (8 заданий)

Задание 1. Translate the text.

We can do more business

Russian - British trade and economic links have a long - established history. Britain was one of the first Western nations to sign a trade agreement with the young Soviet republic in 1921, three years before the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two counties.

In subsequent years, our trade and economic links developed fairly unevenly.

Today, the annual turnover of Russian - British trade averages 1.8 billion rubles. Britain ranks sixth in Russia"s trade with advanced countries, after Germany, Finland, Japan, Italy and France.

Russia traditionally exports to Britain ferrous and non - ferrous metals, oil and petroleum products, chemicals, fertilizers, timber and furs. In 1986, we stepped up sales on the British market of various engineering goods, including Lada cars, machine - tools, press - forging plant, bearings, TV - sets, watches and clockworks.

Russian imports include machines and equipment, mineral raw materials and semi - finished products as well as various finished goods.

Recently, both sides have undertaken important steps to strengthen the contractual legal basis and to create optimal conditions for more fruitful trade.

The Program provides for co - operation in the construction on Russian territory of industrial works on the compensation basis, in the construction, expansion and modernization of industrial projects in Britain and Russia, for the development of industrial co-operation between Russian organizations and enterprises and British companies, and for the further expansion of mutual exchanges in goods and services.


Задание 2. Translate the text.

What is marketing?

Marketing is the creative process of satisfying customer needs profitably. What is "the marketing mix"? It consists of "the four P"s": providing the customer with the right Product at the right Price, presented in the most attractive way (Promotion) and available in the easiest way (Place).

What is "a product"? A product is not just a set of components: it is something customers buy to satisfy a need they have. The image and the design of the product are as important as its specification.

What is "price"? The product must be priced so that it competes effectively with rival products in the same market.

What is "promotion"? The product is presented to customers through advertising (TV commercials, sales literature, posters, etc.), packaging (design, labels, etc.), publicity, telephone and personal selling.

What is "telephone selling"? Your staff can call customers, or customers can call the agents to ask for information and sales literature.

What is "personal selling"? Your representatives visit customers: this is the most effective method of promotion, but also the most expensive.

Why are firms becoming more customer - orientated and less production - orientated? Because new products must be created to meet the changing range of customers" needs - a firm can"t rely on the success of its today"s distribution of products. Customers and their needs must come first!

Задание 3. Rewrite each of these sentences in reported speech. Start with the words given.

Example: ‘Why do you like oranges?"

She asked me why I liked oranges.

1."Don‘t play here."

2. ‘I"m leaving now."

3. ‘Is this book yours?"

4. ‘What time is it?"

5. ‘Be quiet and sit down."

6. ‘Do you smoke?"

7. ‘People smoke too many cigarettes."

8. ‘Have you finished your homework yet?"

9. ‘Will you go to the meeting if he does?"

10. ‘I"m sorry, I can"t do this problem."

Задание 4. Rewrite these statements in reported speech.

Example: ‘I"m sorry but I can"t come to the party," John said.

John said (that) he was sorry but he couldn"t come to the party.

1. He often said, ‘I never smoke."

2. ‘I"ve lost my English book," John told his teacher.

3. ‘We"re going to Paris next week," they said.

4. She said, ‘I went to London yesterday."

5. ‘I will give him my book," he said.

6. ‘We"ve been waiting for a long time," the woman said.

7. ‘I"m telephoning from the US," Peter said.

8. Helen told me, ‘I don"t like oranges."

9. ‘I"ve never seen anything like this before," the professor said.

10. The teacher told us, ‘Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade."

Задание 5. Put the verbs into the correct form, the Past Indefinite or Past Continuous.

1. I writе a letter when you come in.

2. He have breakfast when you rang up.

3. They discuss the new film when our neighbour knock at the door.

4. You go to the institute when I meet you in the street yesterday.

5. What do you do you when your sister come in?

6. My father read a newspaper when I ring you up.

7. Ben play chess when you enter the room.

8. She take a music lesson when your friend call on me.

Задание 6. Use the words in brackets.

1. Kate is young than Mary.

2. John is the clever boy in the class.

3. The weather is dull today than it was yesterday.

4. London is one of the big cities in the world.

5. My dog is as good as yours.

6. His dog is good than yours.

7. Her dog is good of the three.

8. This is wonderful and beautiful film I have ever seen.

Задание 7. Translate the sentences into Russian

1. I didn"t have to wait for the manager, the secretary signed the papers.

2. The advice of professionals should not be ignored.

3. He is to meet us at the station at 5.

4. It"s too late that"s why I should leave.

5. You needn"t go there today.

6. We offered it several times but he wouldn"t agree.

7. You may stay here for a couple of days.

8. The clerk said the plane was to arrive in two hours.

Задание 8. Перевод текста с русского языка на английский.

Меня зовут Наташа. Я работаю заместителем директора центра социального обслуживания населения. Наша организация оказывает социальную помощь малоимущим, гражданам пожилого возраста и инвалидам, многодетным семьям. В организации семь структурных подразделений, каждое из которых работает с отдельными категориями граждан по разным направлениям: оказание материальной помощи, профилактических и медицинских услуг, юридических консультаций. Я считаю, что данный вид деятельности необходимо качественно развивать, так как обслуживаемые нами граждане являются наименее социально защищёнными слоями населения и нуждаются в поддержке.

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